We take feedback very seriously and try to
action guests' suggestions whenever practicable. After staying at the villa,
guests are invited to complete an online survey relating to various aspects of
their booking. Below is a pictorial analysis of responses received in the
last five years from those who have completed the survey. There have been
a number of people who have sent us excellent comments (see
Testimonials page) but who did not complete the
1. Did the villa meet the advertised

2. How were communications and the
reservation procedure?

3. How clean was the property on

4. How were your dealings with our local
agents (if used)?

5. How did you find the information
provided before and during your stay?

6. Do you think the hiring charge was
reasonable value for money?

7. Would you recommend Jasmine Villa to

While our survey form is constructed to allow us
to measure responses (such as those above), it also includes "free form"
sections to allow guests to write specific comments or suggestions.